A completely new initiative for the Atelier Cesarini, which invests in young people and in learning the musical instrument. Doing violin or other instrument lessons totally free for 4/8/16 lessons depending on the instrument you will buy.

The costs of our packages have not been raised, because we believe that investing in a study instrument and in a good teacher is the basis for living a fluid musical journey.
Our tool packages are of three levels, consequently are the teaching hours offered by the Atelier, which can be online or face-to-face:
Basic Package (go to website) – 4 lessons (1 month) online / in person (where possible)
Advanced Package (go to website) – 8 lessons (2 months) online / in person (where possible)
Semi – Professional Package (go to website) – 16 lessons (4 months) online / in person (where possible)
We remind you that the BASE study instruments are suitable for young beginners who want to start studying with a violin teacher in Perugia.
The ADVANCED package is for those who want to buy a better tool than the one they already have, or for adults who want to start with something better than the basic package.
The SEMI PROFESSIONAL package for continuing students (musical high school, conservatory) or for adults who want to take a whim without paying the figures for a professional violin making instrument.
Students will obviously not be bound to the path with the teacher proposed by us. At the end of the lessons they can continue or change. Contact us!